Nach Image wechsel auf 6.4 Teamblue, kein Zugriff aufs Heimnetz mit Absturz

  • Hallo Zusammen,

    habe gerade einen Wechsel von 6.3 auf 6.4 Teamblue durchgeführt. Die alten Einstellungen habe ich nicht übernommen.

    Möchte einen Zugriff auf meine freigegeben Videordner unter Win10 im Heimnetz herstellen

    Laut Anleitung

    [HowTo] Netzwerkfreigabe über Freigabemanager im TeamBlue Image

    stelle ich den lokalen Freigabenamen ein.

    Bei mit bsp. liegen die Dateien unter dem Ordner "sserien", den Trage ich ein.

    CIFS ist aktiv, IP vom Rechner stimmt

    Server Freigabe, tippe ich da Harddisk ein?

    Benutzername und Passwort, was trage ich da ein den Benutzername und das PW vom Win10 Rechner?
    oder root, falls ja welches Passwort?

    Wenn ich was eingebe, egal was und auf OK drücke stützt er ab mit diesem Fehler:

    Danke schon einmal

  • Bei dir ist es so, dass du inkonsistente Informationen einträgst.

    Du musst als ersten Schritt in deiner Box ein eigenes Passwort im Menü des Netzwerks vergeben.

    Dann für deine Verbindung zu einem Win10 in der Bearbeitungsmaske:

    CIFS ist richtig.

    Die Freigabe dort lautet "serien", und muß als Server Freigabe rein.

    Lokal kannst du das NICHT Harddisk" als Einbindename nennen, sondern benenne das meinetwegen ebenfalls "serien".

    Die Freigabe auf dem PC hast du für einen User mit Passwort berechtigt, den du hier bei User einträgst.

    Dessen Passwort (zwingend erforderlich!) trägst du ein.

    Bei den Optionen muß drinstehen: "rw,vers=2.0"

    NICHT als HDD-Ersatz einbinden (würde zu weiteren aufwändigen Massnahmen und Einschränkungen führen, die ich mir spare, und nicht supporte).

    Nun kannst du speichern.

    Dort hat ein User ebenfalls Probleme mit neuem Image und Freigaben Einbindung, jedoch anderes Image und andere Server Freigabe.:

    Kein Zugriff zur Netzwerkfestplatte mehr

    Gigablue Quad4K-mixed, UE4K, Trio4K, Quad_Plus-SSC, UE_Plus-SC, X2/X3-SC, UltraUE-SC, ...
    Astra 19.2E UniCable & KabelBW, oATV/teamBlue
    (u.a.: DM900uhd,Vu+Duo,AXTriplx, E4HD), PC-DVB-S/C/T, Xtreamer, BDP5200, LG 42R51, Philips 24PFS4022/12, 65OLED855/12 Samsung 933BW,UE32C5700, RPi3+
    ---- Einen Receiver kann sich jeder kaufen - Eine stabile E²-Box muß man sich verdienen! ----

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Papi2000 () aus folgendem Grund: Typo

  • r heißt nur lesend Zugriff, w heißt schreibend. Also wenn du nichts dort speichern willst, kannst du es mit r lassen.

    1 x GB QUAD 4k - Multiboot oATV 7.4, TB 6.4 u. HDF 6.5, HD+ (OsCam), SSD 4TB; 64 GB USB3 für TS, XPicons; unicable
    1 x GB UE 4k - Multiboot oATV 6.4, oPLI 6.3 u. oDroid 6.3, HDD 500 GB; Bild via LAN von Quad 4K; 32 GB USB3 für TS, XPicons

    2 Quads als Überbleibsel

    Samsung GQ75GN700A; Yamaha RX-A2080; Fritz 6591; Asus XT8; Synology DS1817+

  • Problem beim nur lesenden Zugriff ist fehlende Unterstützung von Marken zu Spieldauer und Position. Auch kann man im EMC z.B. keine Cover, Inhalte zum Film und ebenfalls keine Marken speichern. Das wird immer im Filmverzeichnis zusätzlich zur eigenlichen Filmdatei abgelegt.

    Gigablue Quad4K-mixed, UE4K, Trio4K, Quad_Plus-SSC, UE_Plus-SC, X2/X3-SC, UltraUE-SC, ...
    Astra 19.2E UniCable & KabelBW, oATV/teamBlue
    (u.a.: DM900uhd,Vu+Duo,AXTriplx, E4HD), PC-DVB-S/C/T, Xtreamer, BDP5200, LG 42R51, Philips 24PFS4022/12, 65OLED855/12 Samsung 933BW,UE32C5700, RPi3+
    ---- Einen Receiver kann sich jeder kaufen - Eine stabile E²-Box muß man sich verdienen! ----

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Papi2000 () aus folgendem Grund: Typo

  • Hi, I can't speak German, sorry. I'm reading the posts through Google translator so maybe sometime I won't get the right meaning.

    I received my Quad 4K (TeamBlue 6.4) a week a go and by now I managed to:

    - set up the tuners (2x legacy, but I'm waiting for a GB SCR LNB);

    - install a WDBlue 2.5 HDD 500GB;

    - load the settings for 28.2E;

    - learn how to use WebIf to set timers and manage them;

    - activate the miniDLNA server to be able to see the recordings through VLC (if I use "Open folder" I see all the files type and not only the .ts)

    I'm still not able to mount a Windows share, though and when I try I get a crash.

    Here's the network related settings of my box:

    Quad 4K

    Static IP:

    Subnet mask:




    Username: root

    Password: boxpw

    And here's the one of the PC where the folder I would like to share is:

    Win7-64 PC

    Static IP:

    Subnet mask:


    Username: winus

    Password: winpw

    Computer name: desk-i7

    Computer workgroup: HOME (not the "home" workgroup that windows prompt you to create)

    Shared folder: W:\Backup V

    Win share name: Backup V

    After searching, the network browser shows the list of all the nodes attached to the network and among them I can see " (DESK-I7)"

    but when I select it and then push on OK the node doesn't expand. After a few seconds I can see the help line at the bottom of the screen showing "OK to collapse node"

    and again, when pushing OK only the help line changes back to "OK to expand node".

    I tried to mount directly the share "Backup V" but it didn't work and it crashes.

    Here's a couple of the settings I tried:

    Mount settings:

    Active: ON

    Local mount name: Backup V

    Sharing type: CIFS

    Server IP:

    Server share: \Backup V

    Substitute internal HDD: OFF

    Options: There is only rw. There is no version indication.

    User: winus

    Password: winpw

    Mount settings:

    Active: ON

    Local mount name: Backup V

    Sharing type: NFS

    Server IP:

    Server share: \Backup V

    Substitute internal HDD: OFF

    Options: rw, nolock, soft. There is no version indication.

    Both of them crashed.

    Please help me understand what should I do to make this thing work.

    Here's an empty settings for you to fill in.

    Mount settings:

    Active: ON

    Local mount name: .......

    Sharing type: ......

    Server IP: .......

    Server share: .......

    Substitute internal HDD: OFF

    Options: .......

    User: .......

    Password: .......

    I don't know if it matters but let me mention that I can't see any "CIFS" entry in the "Network settings" page (nor in the plugin repository). But I can see "NFS" and "Samba" etc.

    Tnk you.


  • That's a lot of questions at once.Please use the search function at the top. There you will find many answers to your questions. If you get stuck, please open a new case.

  • In a first step, do not name the share "Backup V", but choose "Backup_V", to avoid trouble.

    The next step must be, to activate share access on the PC with user and password - That has to be set i the advanced sharing options. Without that, the share may not be browsable in E2 networkscan (expand/collapse does not work).

    The version of SMB must be set by the user in the manual mount options in the box.

    Do not use other options than advised.

    Try exactly these:

    Active: ON

    Local mount name: Backup_V

    Sharing type: CIFS

    Server IP:

    Server share: \Backup_V

    Substitute internal HDD: OFF

    Options: rw,vers=2.0

    User: winus

    Password: winpw

    You will find the share content in /media/net/Backup_V in the box.

    Forget miniDLNA, and use the "Open folder".

    Gigablue Quad4K-mixed, UE4K, Trio4K, Quad_Plus-SSC, UE_Plus-SC, X2/X3-SC, UltraUE-SC, ...
    Astra 19.2E UniCable & KabelBW, oATV/teamBlue
    (u.a.: DM900uhd,Vu+Duo,AXTriplx, E4HD), PC-DVB-S/C/T, Xtreamer, BDP5200, LG 42R51, Philips 24PFS4022/12, 65OLED855/12 Samsung 933BW,UE32C5700, RPi3+
    ---- Einen Receiver kann sich jeder kaufen - Eine stabile E²-Box muß man sich verdienen! ----

    3 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Papi2000 ()

  • Hi papi and thank you for your help.

    As a first step I changed the name of the shared folder in W7 to "MyVideos".

    After that I had to share it again and I did it choosing the logged on user, the only one I have and that it is in the administrators group and has the credentials winus and winpw.

    Win didn't ask me for a user and a password just for the sharing, probably because that user was already logged in and it was the active user.

    On another PC (Win 10) I checked if I could reach the newly mapped share and I did reach it. It didn't ask me the credentials because I was logged in with the same user.

    Then I went to the box and relaunched the network browser that found all the nodes in the LAN.

    When I pushed OK on the selected line of the desk-i7, where the share is, a mask asked me to enter the username and the password for the network and so I entered winus and winpw.

    But the node didn't open.

    I then created a mount with the values you'll see below but again with the confirmation to proceed it crashed.

    Here's the mount I tried:

    Active: ON

    Local mount name: MyVideos

    Sharing type: CIFS

    Server IP:

    Server share:\MyVideos

    Substitute internal HDD: OFF

    Options: rw,vers=2.0

    User: winus

    Password: winpw


    I'm a bit lost...

    Would it be useful if I reset the box to default and start everything from scratch? It would be a nuisance but if it is needed I'll do it.

    What do you mean with "open folder"? Is it a plugin? I don't know the Linux world: maybe is a Linux command or functionality?

    Thank you again.


  • You have Win7 Home oder Pro on your PC?

    You wrote of "open folder" with VLC?

    On your PC, you can use the HDD of the box with:

    Open a command window, and type:

    1. net view
    2. net use /persistent:no
    3. net use * \\IP_OF_YOUR_BOX\Harddisk

    You will be asked for User:


    and also for password:


    On the box:

    If there is a crash, there is also a crashlog in /home/root/logs. Find it via ftp, and attach as archive to your post.

    But as i see, you are using Win7. Most people usind win7 do that, for not loosing SMBv1.

    So the right parameters might be:

    Active: ON

    Local mount name: MyVideos

    Sharing type: CIFS

    Server IP:

    Server share: MyVideos

    Substitute internal HDD: OFF

    Options: rw,vers=1.0

    User: winus

    Password: winpw

    Gigablue Quad4K-mixed, UE4K, Trio4K, Quad_Plus-SSC, UE_Plus-SC, X2/X3-SC, UltraUE-SC, ...
    Astra 19.2E UniCable & KabelBW, oATV/teamBlue
    (u.a.: DM900uhd,Vu+Duo,AXTriplx, E4HD), PC-DVB-S/C/T, Xtreamer, BDP5200, LG 42R51, Philips 24PFS4022/12, 65OLED855/12 Samsung 933BW,UE32C5700, RPi3+
    ---- Einen Receiver kann sich jeder kaufen - Eine stabile E²-Box muß man sich verdienen! ----

  • Do you have Win7 Home or Pro on your PC?

    Per 64 bit

    You wrote of "open folder" with VLC?

    Sorry, I don't understand your question here.

    I asked you that because at the end of your previous post you wrote:


    Forget miniDNLA, and use the "Open folder"

    and I didn't understand what you were talking about but I'm interested to know.

    On my PC I can use the box HDD just typing \\box_IP\Harddisk into file explorer address field.

    Anyway, when I tried with net view as you suggested I got the same result (Win file exp opened a window with the HDD content)

    but I've not being asked for username and password to access the box.But I already have a Win mapping on that actual folder,

    with the permissions granted to the active user of this Windows session.

    [url=][/url ]

    I tried again to mount with your suggestions but I still had a crash (see attachment).

    [url=][/url ]

    The crash log file was in "media/hdd" and not in " /home/root/logs"

    I also have a win 10 home 64bit notebook, if you want me to try and share a folder from that too.

    Thank you a lot for your time.


  • 20220213-121414.jpg[/url ]

    The Mount must be rw,vers=2.0

  • He allready tried "rw,vers=2.0" without success, empty mount.

    So I advised to use "rw,vers=1.0", what is normally the help against that effect.

    But it does not help at all.

    I'm afraid the reason is the win-version, which is Win X Home, what I understand. I don't use Home-Versions of Windows because of the lack of several security settings missing compared to the Pro or Enterprise versions.

    I could not even connect to Win 10 Home for tests with user / pass from other systems (WinPE, Win 7 Ultimate, Win 10 Pro, Win 10 Enterprise,...). That only worked for me to connect to Pro version.

    Gigablue Quad4K-mixed, UE4K, Trio4K, Quad_Plus-SSC, UE_Plus-SC, X2/X3-SC, UltraUE-SC, ...
    Astra 19.2E UniCable & KabelBW, oATV/teamBlue
    (u.a.: DM900uhd,Vu+Duo,AXTriplx, E4HD), PC-DVB-S/C/T, Xtreamer, BDP5200, LG 42R51, Philips 24PFS4022/12, 65OLED855/12 Samsung 933BW,UE32C5700, RPi3+
    ---- Einen Receiver kann sich jeder kaufen - Eine stabile E²-Box muß man sich verdienen! ----

  • I'm on Win 7 Pro 64 .

    When you asked me before (post #10) I "typoed" my replay and wrote "Per" instead of "Pro" (post #11) but I never said I was on home.

    Does the crash log tell anything useful to troubleshoot the problem?

    Thank you.


    Post scriptum

    Is there a way to disable the words auto correction of this board?



    Either do an update or do a fresh installation. Both of it can be done within the gui.

    Press Menu -> Settings -> Software -> Flash Online (for a fresh installation)

    or Menu -> Settings -> Software Update (for a simple update)

    Is there a way to backup everything before updating or flashing? Can I do it on the same internal HDD where I have the recordings?

    What will I loose exactly? Tuners settings? Channel settings? Plugins downloaded? Interface settings?

    After that will the initial wizard restart? If not, is there a way to start it manually?

    Thank you.

  • Sorry for missunderstanding Pro & Home.

    If you save your Image (Fullbackup) it saves the whole flash as it is for the running image. That can be reflashed, and it is just like a restart.

    Additionally save your channel list with DreamBoxEdit to your PC - that can be restored seperately later, when flashing without restoring a new image was successfull.

    Gigablue Quad4K-mixed, UE4K, Trio4K, Quad_Plus-SSC, UE_Plus-SC, X2/X3-SC, UltraUE-SC, ...
    Astra 19.2E UniCable & KabelBW, oATV/teamBlue
    (u.a.: DM900uhd,Vu+Duo,AXTriplx, E4HD), PC-DVB-S/C/T, Xtreamer, BDP5200, LG 42R51, Philips 24PFS4022/12, 65OLED855/12 Samsung 933BW,UE32C5700, RPi3+
    ---- Einen Receiver kann sich jeder kaufen - Eine stabile E²-Box muß man sich verdienen! ----

  • At last it works...

    I flashed in a free slot of the multiboot, I set everything as I did with the previous image,

    the network browser opened the node with "OK" with no problems and I could see ALL the shared folders (WIN 7 Pro 64bit).

    [ url=][/url ]

    I tried to mount after selecting the share and the mount settings window appeared.

    [url=][/url ]

    Not shure what shall I have to put into the field "Host name" and in the "mount options".

    The PC name is "desk-i7" and the workgroup is "HOME" and Win 7 pro 64 is running there.

    Same question (mount options) for a share on a PC running Win X Home.

    Thanks to everybody for your patience and your support.

    Out of subject.

    I it possible that there is something wrong going on between my keaboard ant this forums?

    I keep finding that I typed the wrong letters a lot of times but I'm sure I did not...


    (Evene in the last three lines above you can see the wrong spelling of meny words but I'm sure I tyoed them all right...

  • Wrong keys in display are typical related to wrong encoding settings for the appearance of web pages in the browser or at least in wrong keyboard layout while typing. You press "y", and a "z" appears, then it is english layout, but german setting (or vice versa).

    But as you see, the network does, what it is mentioned to.

    Usually the fields are prefilled with the right contents.

    You must not use spaces in share names.

    Gigablue Quad4K-mixed, UE4K, Trio4K, Quad_Plus-SSC, UE_Plus-SC, X2/X3-SC, UltraUE-SC, ...
    Astra 19.2E UniCable & KabelBW, oATV/teamBlue
    (u.a.: DM900uhd,Vu+Duo,AXTriplx, E4HD), PC-DVB-S/C/T, Xtreamer, BDP5200, LG 42R51, Philips 24PFS4022/12, 65OLED855/12 Samsung 933BW,UE32C5700, RPi3+
    ---- Einen Receiver kann sich jeder kaufen - Eine stabile E²-Box muß man sich verdienen! ----