Where to look for the "how to" to connect to the WebIf from internet, just to set timers?

  • My router (FritzBox 7270) let me setup port forwarding: how do I have to set it up to be able to see the WebIf EPG and set timers from the Internet?

    The box IP is and my public address is

    The fritz would also accept port opening requests from devices that support UPnP: is that of any use for the Quad (Teamblue 6.4 latest).

    Thank you.


  • Use FritzVPN? Then AVM is responsible, when you get hacked.

    It is pretty save, and well described on their homepage:


    That is near home network.

    Do not use, even do not think about portforwarding.

    Nevertheless, look in the config menue of the network to set the password, and in the extension browser for the setting of the options for the WebIF.

    Gigablue Quad4K-mixed, UE4K, Trio4K, Quad_Plus-SSC, UE_Plus-SC, X2/X3-SC, UltraUE-SC, ...
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