Someone could give me some manual on how I have to configure openvpn

  • hi i am trying to setup openvpn on my Gb uhd quad 4k ...
    I describe the steps I have taken so far ...
    I have created a no-ip account which I have configured in inadyn, so that when I change my public ip it is updated, I have created the openvpn certificates, both from the server and the client ... and there is no way to make it work, I also I would like to know if the version of openvpn that the image brings is the same version that we could use for Ubuntu or Windows, because if it is a light version it may not work for me, because there are parameters that it does not recognize or encryptions that do not have a way of decrypt ...
    Someone would be so kind to answer my questions, my intention is to tunnel all the gb uhs quad 4k traffic so that I can stream the channels that I have contracted, when I go to my second residence and I would like it to have the maximum possible security, I already know that there is no 100% security, but at least make things difficult ...

    gracias y saludos