i want to buy (gigablue uhd ue 4k)

  • The question will probably be answered differently in the respective manufacturer forum.

    For us here the GigaBlue is clear.

    You should rather read on the Internet which box best suits your needs.

    Each box has certain advantages and disadvantages.

    I am very satisfied with my Gigablue and can only compare VU with my experience.

    I have had worse experiences with my VU.

    I can not say anything about Octagon and it is not comparable to the Gigablue which has FBC tuners and twin.

    Die Verwendung von Anglizismen und Internetabkürzungen ist für mich ein eindeutiges Zeichen für
    Kontaktarmut im wahren Leben, Wichtigtuerei und mehr Schein als Sein.
    „Sprachen sind bei weitem das wichtigste Vehikel kultureller Entfaltung und zugleich das wichtigste Element nationaler – übrigens auch persönlicher – Identität.“ – Helmut Schmidt

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  • You can also can not compare zero4k with ue4k.

    Ue4k has got much better hardware than zero4k.

    F.e. gigabitlan

    more usb ports

    internal fbx tuner + optional tuner

    pip function

    internal hdd

    2,2" lcd

    i think zero4k you can compare with x34k