Beiträge von SayyiD

    Version 3.0.0 Released

    E-Channelizer 3.0 is another major milestone that delivers a massive update introducing: revamped look and feel, a bunch of new features, as well as dozens of improvments, and numerous bug-fixes. This release aims to be the most robust experience yet!


    Thanks To
    AIT YAHIA Idir, Clemens, DreamMuca, FRAP, GioppyGio, Huevos, Lulu, Luiz A. Rodrigues, Michael Pauser, Pan3o, Persian Prince, Rob van der Does, Satrunner, sirius black, spartak73, titovich, Vytenis P., wassa, wsxws

    Sayyid A.

    Version 2.4.0 Released

    - Speed up the load time of settings.
    - Redesign and improve the "Edit Stream" dialog to be more intuitive.
    - Support RAW streams along with DVB and IPTV types.
    - Define the default stream type (useful when importing M3U streams).
    - Add, import and export picons of DVB streams with custom references.
    - Rename the picons imported from a folder using either SRP or SNP.
    - Filter bouquets on type (TV, Radio, or both).
    - Allow duplicate favorites in a bouquet (optional).
    - Define the Telnet port in the profile configuration.
    - Remember the last opened paths of different file foramts seperately.
    - Added Portuguese language, thanks to Luiz A. Rodrigues.
    - Updated all language translations, thanks to the authors.

    - Improved importing streams from M3U tracks/lists.

    - Error message when editing the reference of DVB stream.
    - Files renamed to lowercase when deleting the unused picons.
    - Other minor issues.


    epg-picon.png m3u-streams.png stb-profiles.png new-languages.png

    Download or update if you already have a previous version of E-Channelizer.

    How to assign EPG and Picon to stream?

    Sayyid A.

    Version 2.3.0 Released

    - Support custom reference (dvb-service or user-defined) of IPTV streams.
    - Assign DVB service to IPTV stream by drag and drop while pressing CTRL.
    - Add, import and export picons of IPTV streams with custom references.
    - Define the streaming / transcoding port in the profile configuration.
    - Toggle match diacritical marks in the search results (e.g. Barça).
    - Display quick hints for better usability and user experience.
    - Added Latvian language, thanks to DreamMuca.
    - Updated all language translations, thanks to the authors.

    - Naming of alternatives file name, thanks to littlesat & Dimitrij.
    - Display '(no name)' for services with blank names.
    - Improved dragging / dropping of services and favorites.
    - Improved resizing of the main layout.

    - Streaming not working from some devices.
    - Display cable and terrestrial groups in the transponders list.
    - Filter and sort cable and terrestrial services.
    - Service not selected when right-clicking on the service name.
    - Refresh the online status of STB when using hostname or DNS.
    - Other minor issues.


    epg-picon.png advanced-search.png quick-hints.png new-languages.png

    Download or update if you already have a previous version of E-Channelizer.

    How to assign EPG and Picon to stream?

    Sayyid A.

    Version 2.2.1 Released

    - Incorrect order when loading and rearranging bouquets.
    - Installation path of the icon associated with ECZ file type (*.ecz).

    Download or update if you already have a previous version of E-Channelizer.

    Sayyid A.

    Version 2.2.0 Released

    - New application logo.
    - Windows installer for better setup experience (recommended).
    - Open files from the Windows explorer context menu (installer only).
    - Display progress and prompt indications in the Windows taskbar.
    - Support hostname, DNS, and IPv6 in the profile configuration.
    - Show/hide password in the profile configuration.
    - Delete services of the missing satellites after loading (optional).
    - Show number of bouquets where services are favorited (sortable).
    - Show number of the other bouquets where favorites are existing.
    - Mark and highlight services which are existing in the current bouquet.
    - Allow to adjust the height of alternative services list.
    - Added French language, thanks to AIT YAHIA Idir.
    - Added Lithuanian language, thanks to Vytenis P.
    - Added Polish language, thanks to Pan3o.
    - Updated all language translations, thanks to the authors.

    - Combined the satellite filters with other service filters.
    - Improved search algorithm for better results.
    - Improved importing/exporting large numbers of picons.

    - Bouquets not loaded if renamed in the "" file.
    - Drop services/favorites into bouquets which include "<N/A>" items.
    - Import bouquets if no settings loaded yet.
    - Other minor issues.


    windows-installer.png open-w-echannelizer.png host-or-ip.png missing-satellites.png

    Download or update if you already have a previous version of E-Channelizer.

    What is the difference between installer and portable editions?
    How to open a support ticket?

    Sayyid A.

    Just for understanding. Do you know, where these characters come from? Or what they are used for?

    Such characters are often the result of bad parsing or wrong encoding. I think they are useless.
    The strange thing, I found they are mostly found in the "Sky" services!

    The loosing focus ocours on search in bouquets, not in the section ALL at the left.
    Search results are little messy. "Bu" finds all Sky Bundesliga..." channels. If next letter is applied, "Bun" does not find any match. So the reason might be not the length of the search string, but the content- and match-routine. Also "li" or "sli" does not find anything.

    It is the content. Some service names contain invalid hidden characters, which break the search algorithm.
    By the way, other editors have the same exact issue! :evil:

    Anyway, both losing focus and messy search results issues will be fixed in the next release, coming so soon.
    Thank you @Koloss78 and Papi2000 for finding out. :thumbup:

    Search Results.png

    Die Suche bei den Senderliste funktioniert nicht gut!

    1. Der Fokus vom Suchfeld geht oft verloren, man muss dann immer neu reinklicken
    2. Die Kanalsuche findet nicht immer was, z.b.: Sky S oder Sky Bun oder Sky C oder Sky E - da ist dann das Suchergebnis leer!
    Sehr wohl aber z.b.: Sky Bu oder Sky oder Sport - Da kommen die Suchergebnisse

    1. The search results appear automatically just after you stop typing. It losts focus if you cleared the search box.
    2. Check the Aa Match case and [A] Match whole words options, which can be used to refine the search results.

    I tried your search queries and all work as expected, except "Sky Bun". It sounds odd, I will look further into this!

    Search Results.png